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Nueva York, London and Madrid, chosen the best cities in the world for shopping…. and there are Spaniards who travel to them just for it.

I will not be the one to judge the behavior of each one, upside down, value, I tolerate and respect the freedom of choice and spending your skin wherever, one way or the other, whenever and with whomever, but in my inner self to know that 1 decade 4 Spaniards have traveled exclusively – sí, sí, only and only – shopping seems a bit frivolous to me. This is how I am radical in thinking…

I read in a Tripadvisor press release “(the Spanish) We are the most fond of shopping while we are traveling, only surpassed by the Germans. Así, according to the data provided by this survey, el 45% of the Spanish affirm that always goes shopping while traveling – the most normal and healthy thing in the world – and included a 28% acknowledges having traveled with the sole intention of going shopping. – freaks!

¿What do they buy??: “We especially opt for products that we cannot get in our country, con un 57% of the answers. The vast majority of respondents comment that they generally buy local products (29%), whims (21%) and products on sale (19%), siendo His great weakness is his clothes., the gastronomic specialties of the region and the shoes. Asimismo, What most encourages Spaniards to make purchases while traveling are the brands or stores that do not exist in our country.”

And as for the pasta, flipa lorito: "A 34% confesses to devoting a budget of more than 400€ to your purchases when you travel, followed by a 24% who spends between 200€ y 400€, y un 22.5% between 100€ y 200€””. – I must be a sleazebag because my trip is going to cost me, itself, más de 400 euros suddenly I think about it!

The places: "NY, London and Madrid, in this order, have been chosen in this survey as the cities preferred by Spaniards to go shopping. This cities, according to users, They are also those where they believe they will find the best offers and discounts.. De hecho, A quarter of Spaniards affirm that The Big Apple is the city in which they have spent the most on shopping. París, por el contrario, It is the city in which they declare having spent the least”.

The times: “More than half of those already planning a shopping trip will do so for take advantage of the post-Christmas sales and a third are already thinking about the summer sales”.

Contradictory feelings appear in me, en plan: “But if there is not what you want in your country, it is logical to travel for it.…” ¿pero? ¿only? Maybe it's because I can't afford it and it seems really crazy to go to New York or London and just go shopping.. It is not necessary to do the “tourist tour” either.” and museums, monuments, etc., but leñe, I'm sure there are more interesting places than Zara., no matter how New Yorker he is…  But if you want to see it here on the right I'll give you one from Fifth Avenue, so you can see how helpful I am. You just saved yourself a trip. You're welcome.

Another different thing is: “since I'm here, I spend some time shopping” that as I said above that not only does it seem reasonable to me, but necessary! but travel EXCLUSIVELY to go shopping – I'm sure those who do it call it that – it seems frivolous to me. I said.

¿What do you think? ¿You've done it? ¿Would you do it? ¿Will this be one of those blogger questions that no one is interested in?? –No, it is not, I want to know your opinion!