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A day that unites V&L, Montesinos and Agatha could not be called otherwise, each one of his father and mother, which makes the day 2 de Cibeles in diverse cultures. Where we see stripes rampant, thousands of colors and even great divas of Hollywood.

AA de Amaya Arzuaga

Great use of volumes – como siempre, this chick is a genius at it- I liked the leather and I have fallen in love with these dresses in stripes, elegant and informal at the same time.

Francis Montesinos

I love this man, because he always does what he wants, some say they are ugly things, others that it is a genius, and others who simply is what touches. I appreciate to be able to break away from everything and dream of a collection in honor of the painter Matt Lamb. Nothing wearable, but the runways were not made to go outside, but I am here to say, and this is what I do! And that's what makes Montesinos.

Roberto Torreta

Consistent, elegante, functional. But unsurprising.

Victorio & Lucchino

I did not like anything that Flemish sinister halfway between Tim Burton and Desigual.

Hannibal Laguna

Hollywood glamor flooded Cibeles during the presentation of Laguna.

Agatha Ruiz de la Prada

Even surprises get tired… or something like that suggested the Vogue chronicle about this parade. The truth is that it has hit the nail. More of the same.
