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All / as we supermodel of 90 dentro, ¿What is yours? ¡Find out in this quiz!

Linda, Naomi, Cindy, Helena, Claudia… ¡all these names (and some more) have become part of fashion and have inspired the world since the 90. They left a golden age in the world of fashion. Supermodels became true icons… Identify with your personality and tastes… With this simple test – six questions – You can find out what the supermodel 90 are. Eye, It is not scientific, ¡let's see if you're going to come up! ¡what is to play!

¿Where does the term Supermodel come from??

According to the book Model: The Ugly Business of Beautiful Women por Michael Gross, the first known use of the term "supermodel" was in 1943 by an agent named Clyde Matthew Dessner in his "how-to" (how to do) book he wrote about modeling. Sin embargo, a writer named Judith Cass used the term before Dessner in October 1942 An article in the Chicago Tribune Titleholder, «Super Models are Signed for Fashion Show» (Super Models are Signed for Fashion Show). – Fuente: Wikipedia.

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