


Review: Trim&Rowenta Style

This body shaver is a multi accessories Rowenta, un 7 en 1. With a single machine remains controlled all the hair of a man (wherever you are) It is called Trim&Rowenta Style and on a single machine can find Seven advantages to tame, drive, cut or style the hair is male wherever you are! This new shaver from the German brand has various heads…

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Belleza, Moda Masculina

5 articles 🔝 for men's care

A quality product Bluebeard selected for each of the key parts of the male care and beauty cosmetics for men are democratizing rapidly. Certainly men are increasingly aware that many products can not only help them have a better look, but also a healthy and complete beauty. we select here 5 articles 🔝 for masculine care When friends…

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Consejos para el afeitado
Belleza, Moda Masculina

5 Consejos para el afeitado perfecto

Only with 5 shaving tips can move from ah! al um! and convert our shaving routine into something much more comfortable. If you are one of those who have chosen to keep a look beardless. The perfect shave, es una palabra que retumba en nuestras cabezas y con la que todos soñamos. Muchas veces con las prisas, el uso de productos no adecuados o una mala rutina, we mistreat…

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Belleza, Experiencia

Experiencias Gafas Amarillas: Barbero de Rowenta for Men #rowentabarbaridades

Consigue una barba perfecta, con Rowenta for Men ¿te atreves? Los amigos de Rowenta han querido que descubra sus nuevos maquinones. Se trata de sus barberos y cortapelos – ¡Ojo, no confundir! Air Force Precision, a barber but with everything that is needed by the modern man – and who wants to grow and take care of his beard and especially aimed at the stubble, Although it allows you to create…

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Belleza, Moda Masculina

Shave Club. 1 Spanish system razors subscription

Shave Club is a new system of subscription for an amount per month sends razors premium to your door. If the other day already commented on networks that had died Beards! – although I do not think so – Today I am pleased to announce this new. Www.clubdelafeitado.com born to acquire home shaving blades. Is really…

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