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¡Casi 8 centimeters and more volume 7 kilos! take it now

Si, más de 7 centimeters least around the stomach and over 7 kilos off were the results I obtained from the performance of the Venus Legacy treatment under the supervision of Dr. Anastasia Cano in Granada. and this was only 5 sessions (They can be given up to ten, so imagine the incredible effect that may pose) So you can imagine the effectiveness of treatment . But before you go, for if you had not read, I told you by clicking here the beginning and tuning.

venus adelgazar granada gafas amarillas (2) venus adelgazar granada gafas amarillas (4)

The truth is that although I maintain a balanced diet (within the balance that can have a guy who can not cook), as I do not do sports (more than walk) and I lead a sedentary life largely due to my work (many hours of ordered) it's hard to take off some kilos off. This treatment has helped me, not only lose those centimeters of volume and those kilos that come great, but also to realize that small changes in consumer habits and foods you can get results that are maximized with this Venus Legacy.

I had never really believed in those photographs that show the so hackneyed and often faked "before and after” but in this case, experienced firsthand, It is surprising to discover that change within 5 semanas.

venus adelgazar granada gafas amarillas (3)

One of the great virtues of this experience has been not only the aesthetics, but also the medical part. Thanks to being guided by Dr. Anastasia Cano – close and friendly but firm – I myself became aware of the importance of treatment and maintaining health in tune. ¡Tengo 27 and was very old-kilos! ¿Lo peor? That the older you get, lazier is the body and the harder it is to remove all the harmful fat.

In this case the tweaking for the summer in Express plan was _(and to go to my guapete trip to Ibiza with Cutty Sark), but it can also be very beneficial for example, be in line to return after Christmas, to get great / a special moment (like a wedding or celebration) or even to keep in good shape and localized fat because if, because sometimes it comes great care. ¡Highly recommend these Venus treatments!

venus adelgazar granada gafas amarillas (5)

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