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If the sorrows with bread are less, the times of celebrations with detox juices too.

There comes a time full of excesses in which we get carried away by the Christmas parties. But to our body we have to give alegría macarena – one of lime and another of sand; and that's why it's good to take a break between binge and binge. A good way to do it is by alternating our diet with juices with healthy and natural ingredients. (There is nothing better than natural remedies to restore the smooth running of our body), cuya intención es depurar de forma natural el cuerpo de todos los caprichitos de food y bebida que cometemos durante las fiestas de Navidad.

Estas tres variantes de zumo son muy prácticasy muy fáciles de llevar acabo, you already know that I am a denied in the kitchen – to keep our body healthy during the excesses of Christmas and, además, they contain many beneficial properties for our body.

zumos navidad 2Tomato juice

The tomato becomes the best ally in the Mediterranean diet, if during the summer our soul falls in love with gazpacho or salmorejo, in winter it can help us withstand excesses by turning into juice. Tomato juice is obtained by putting about six or seven very ripe tomatoes in the blender. – – si queremos intensificar el sabor podemos acompañar la mezcla con cilantro, cinnamon or vanilla – y posteriormente meteremos el resultado directamente al frigorífico ¡Más sencillo imposible!

  • effects: The effect it produces is anti-inflammatory, In addition to being a good pain reliever and eliminate toxins produced by excess food. The properties of the tomato are very good to protect us from irritations or inflammations in the throat or stomach pain..
  • the best hours: It is good to consume it before going to bed and for breakfast just woken up.

vegetable juice

The vegetable is one of the healthiest juices for these dates so accused by our body. ¡Ya que contienen una serie de ingredientes capaces de ayudarnos a depurar y mejorar nuestra digestión! It consists of putting two medium-sized tomatoes in the blender, add half a chopped onion, a medium-sized diced cucumber and a teaspoon of extra olive oil. We put this solution in the refrigerator to cool down and be able to take it in ideal conditions..

  • effects: Tomar un vaso diario nos aportará las vitaminas necesariascomo la vitamina C – necessary to recover the vitamins lost with the intake of alcohol during parties and celebrations of these dates. Además, is a highly diuretic product to eliminate waste from the body.
  • the best hours: Before lunch or in the afternoon

Honey and lemon juice

No sólo por inflarnos de comer nos pueden venir los males durante las fiestasel frío puede jugarnos una mala pasada en la garganta. Por ello,I also recommend the honey and lemon juice. Calienta agua mientras exprimes el limón y buscas mielda igual el tipo que quieras (rosemary, azahar, mil flores…) all will keep their properties. You should use the same amount of honey as lemon to balance the acid and sweet taste.. Stir well and drink it before it's cold.

  • effects: Soothes and relaxes the throat, as well as clean of possible viruses.
  • the best hours: Before sleep.

zumos navidad

artichoke juice

Artichoke and fennel juice is another that comes in handy for the Christmas holidays. It is made by squeezing a tablespoon of finely cut artichoke leaves, half of fennel bulb, about four greenish dandelion leaves, a few stalks of celery and half a ripe courgette. It is best to dilute it with a little water to mitigate its bitterness..

  • effects: Thanks to the properties of the artichoke, we will be able to eliminate many of the toxic substances that are deposited in the liver. The rest of the components come in handy to eliminate the toxins found in the kidneys. And you have to add a convenient weight loss aid effect.
  • the best hours: Por la mañana.

so you know, To counteract binge eating during the holidays, nothing better than hydrating yourself well with these juices that also provide added benefits. I already taught you en este post la Infiny Press de Moulinex que durante verano me alegró más de una tarde ¿porqué no volverla asacar y disfrutar de nuevo de los zumos naturales?